Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events (2011)

Every Tuesday in May

Every Monday in June

Saturday, June 11

9:00am -Noon
1835 S. Hicks St.

Register at: maryjwb@gmail.com or 267-266-2811

Monday, January 28, 2008

How you can help

Time to get ready for Spring!


Good news for our South Philadelphia neighborhood: The Hicks Street Garden is now officially part of the Neighborhood Gardens Association, a Philadelphia-based land trust. The land is now preserved for the purpose of community gardening! This is a win for the garden as well as for the whole community.

Now, the Hicks Street gardeners can work freely on the Garden. We still have a lot of work to do, though.


1. Volunteer your time in the garden. A great way to get some fresh air and meet new friends! Upcoming workdays will be announced.

2. Make a donation on our behalf. We still need to pay off the cost of the land where the garden is located. Follow the links on the right to donate to the Neighborhood Gardens Association. NGA is a non-profit organization, and your contributions are tax-deductible. (Important: Please designate your donation for "Hicks Street Garden.")

3. Spread the word. The more people know about us, the more support the garden will receive.

If you have any questions about our garden or our fundraising efforts, please feel free to contact Mary at marywb@temple.edu or 215-468-2396.

Thanks to everyone who is making this garden a success!

Mary Ward-Bucher

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