Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events (2011)

Every Tuesday in May

Every Monday in June

Saturday, June 11

9:00am -Noon
1835 S. Hicks St.

Register at: maryjwb@gmail.com or 267-266-2811

Monday, October 5, 2009

City Gardens contest winner!

We are pleased to announce that the Hicks Street Garden has won second place in the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's City Gardens Contest!

We had an impressive array of vegetation this year, including a gigantic elephant's ear plant that has lately produced two flowers. Check it out before the fall frost!

Congratulations, everyone!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hicks Street Garden on ABC World News!

We're famous... for two whole seconds! Take a look at this clip from ABC World News, which aired 4/30/09.

Those familiar with our enterprises know that we did most of our illicit (but now completely legitimated) work in broad daylight. Only one person complained. Yes, that's right. Someone was upset that we cleaned up the lot and started a garden. It might have been some fun to work at night. Perhaps our next project will be a twilight one.