Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events (2011)

Every Tuesday in May

Every Monday in June

Saturday, June 11

9:00am -Noon
1835 S. Hicks St.

Register at: maryjwb@gmail.com or 267-266-2811

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Next gardening day--->15th & Passyunk

With the Hicks garden growing so well, we have decided to move our April 10th workday to the vacant lot at 15th and Passyunk. The plan is to clean up the lot as much as possible and plant a few strategically-placed seeds.

Note for the law-abiding: If we are unable to reach the owners, this will be a true guerrilla gardening expedition since we will technically be trespassing. (But, hey, that how we started the Hicks garden, right?)

Rest assured, however, that none of us have gotten arrested yet for picking up litter. In fact, we've been in this lot before. Ted, my grizzled senior-citizen neighbor, hopped the fence along with the rest of us and helped install the beautiful border of sunflowers that you might have noticed last year.

If Ted can do it, so can you! See you on the 10th @ 11am!

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